Show Your Love!


SHOW YOUR LOVE: Everyone loves to gush about their true love!  So Frankie & Jocelyn in the Morning want to give you a platform to tell all of NEPA why you love your significant other… for a chance to ‘show your love’ with a pair of Diamond Stud Earrings from RAINBOW JEWELERS IN KINGSTON!  ​Tune in each morning all week long and listen for the cue to call.  When you hear it, be caller #14 (in honor of Valentine’s Day)  & be prepared to tell Frankie & Jocelyn something you LOVE about your other half!  You’ll win flowers from THE CREATIVE TOUCH IN PLAINS and candy to surprise them with on Valentine’s Day just for sharing.. PLUS!  Be qualified for the GRAND PRIZE – a pair of Diamond Stud Earrings from RAINBOW JEWELERS IN  KINGSTON.​ Grand Prize winner will be announced on air on Friday, February 7th after qualifying the final winner.

Brought to you by:

MAGIC – Official Rules for Show Your Love 2-3 to 2-7 (on air & GP)

